Welcome to this week's edition of the Arndell Advocate! We are delighted to bring you the latest updates and news from around the College. This issue has been thoughtfully prepared by Mr Stuart Ryan, Head of Secondary School who will provide highlights of recent events, student achievements, and important announcements.
Years 7 - 10 are concluding their Half Yearly Exams this week and Year 11 and 12 have their ongoing assessment schedule.
As students begin to come home with results in the coming weeks I have asked them to reflect on their work habits and process. As they strive to do their best, it is important they are not purely concerned with marks but also reflect on the process.
During Assemly last week I asked students to reflect on the below questions:
Once they have been honest with themselves, then they should decide on the things they will do differently next time.
As a parent/carer, if your child has expressed disappointment on their marks.
Semester 1 HZSA Afternoon Sports are wrapping up over the next week for both Junior and Secondary School. Several of our Secondary School teams have made it to the semi-finals and finals, and we wish them the best of luck. We also want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the teachers who volunteer their time to coach and train the teams in both Junior and Secondary Schools. Their dedication makes these activities possible.
Parent/Teacher Interviews for Years 8 to 11 are approaching. Booking details will be sent home in the coming weeks. We encourage parents/carers to take this opportunity to connect with their child's teachers and to book in a time.
College Photos are scheduled to commence next week as per the below timetable.
Uniform Requirements:
Students must wear the full winter uniform for formal College photographs include the College Blazer. Sport and other uniforms will be notified to students, as required.
Boys are to be clean shaven with their hair at or above the collar, fringe above eyebrows, tidy appearance not heavily gelled. Hairstyles should be of natural colour, not to attract undue attention. No lines, steps or mullet cuts.
Girls with hair longer than the collar is to be tied back in a pony tail, off the face with hair accessories that are simple and in College colours. Hairstyles should be of natural colour and not to attract undue attention.
Please refer to the College Uniform Policy here: https://www.arndell.nsw.edu.au/parent-information/uniform-policy-shop/
College Photo Enquiries:
If you have any questions regarding College photo orders, please make contact with MSP Photography. Email – sydneywest@msp.com.au | Phone – (02) 9831 5505
Tickets for the College musical, "Back to the 80’s," will go on sale next Monday, 27 May 2024. Keep an eye on your emails or check the announcement in the College App. Tickets are limited and can be secured online. Performances are scheduled for three nights only: Thursday, 20 June, Friday, 21 June, and Saturday, 22 June. I look forward to seeing you there!
Mr Stuart Ryan
Head of Secondary School